Trying to find instructions on how to reset the M15w printer to set up a new wifi connection was annoying enough that I wrote it down.
ReadHow to create systemd timers, that are in my opinion better than cronjobs.
ReadA quick workaround for those of us with upperchase characters in our Github username when using Github Packages.
ReadWhere I build a static site webhotel using traefik, docker, ansible and good old ssh.
ReadA short howto for copying all data from one MongoDB database to another.
ReadAll the buzzwords and AWS abbreviations! Another post where I just want to note down something I thought was cool.
ReadI originally wrote this rough cheatsheet for documentation at work, where I had to deal with different linux flavours' ways
ReadI wrote some tools to help with migrating an existing imap account from one server to another, so that you can keep your emails when you